Thursday, April 14, 2011

Run Pee - Revolutionizing bodily functions for movie goers of all ages

RunPee is a mobile app that is any movie go-ers dream… well, kind of.  Although the concept is rather simple, it’s clever enough that you’ll think “gee.. why didn’t I think of that?”.  So, whats the 411 on RunPee?  It’s an app that breaks down any movie that has been in theatres recently into 3 or more parts where it would be appropriate to take a pee break.  What’s even more revolutionary about RunPee is that the along with the recommended pee break times comes a brief synopsis of what you’re missing, so it’s like you were there the whole time!  And better yet, you don’t just have to use it for when you have to pee!  RunPee is perfect for people who find themselves needing to make a phone call during a movie, run and get a soda, or do any other ordain task that would take them away from the flick.  Just simply wait for the suggested cue and then run out of the movie- all without missing a single thing.
RunPee operates as a mobile app, which I feel is the best way to run such a “business” since users would never be able to access such information off their laptops while they were in a movie.  Choosing this marketing strategy works perfect for RunPee since users can check the pee times directly from their phone while they’re watching the film.  Additional features that they are currently in the midst of adding to the app are vibration alarm times that can be synced to the movie to notify the user when their pee time has arrived, as well as “enabling local storage of data so that the app can be used offline” (via  From a business point of view, the mobile app is also very beneficial to RunPee since users must pay for the app, offering a source of profit that would not likely have been an option had the program been a website instead.
The key marketing advantages to this app that sets it apart from all others is that it is truly unique.  Many app developers may have over looked creating an app based around someone’s bodily functions, but RunPee has perfected it, thus creating a reason why someone would even need such an app in the first place.  On top of it all, the app is easy to use, and the interface runs smoothly, since a majority of the content is text based (unlike many apps that slow down your phone as if they were kryptonite).  Just type in the movie that your viewing, and the pee times appear in a chronologically organized list.  Just select the cue time in the movie that you want to pee, and it shows you the duration of time the scene you’re missing will last for.  It also provides you with a brief synopsis of what you’re missing- usually 3-4 sentences long (for most efficient use it is recommended to read the synopsis while peeing.. just don’t drop your phone in the toilet).
So who is RunPee for?  Anyone that doesn’t have a catheter or wear diapers AND happens to be in a movie.  In my opinion, the app is most necessary for those who go to the movie often, and those who find themselves in the most desperate times post “jumbo-coke”.  Essentially, it’s universally useful to anyone, but maybe not worth the dollar if you go to the movies once a year.   I know from personal experience that RunPee has saved me from AT LEAST 1-2 bladder infections in the past month (ok ok.. TMI?) while preventing me from missing anything that happened in the film.  As stated before, a big advantage is that the app is mostly text based, so it doesn’t jam up your phone (which is a huge benefit in my opinion).   It’s concise, to the point, and gets a job done that I didn’t even think could (and/or) needed to be done.  Also, the future additions that they are looking to add to the app are exactly what I feel it is missing, so I look forward to seeing those sometime soon.
My only advice for RunPee?  MAKE AN APP FOR BLACKBERRY PLEASE!!  Although its always fun to steal my boyfriends Android from him to use the RunPee app, I’d like to consider myself an independent woman who has her own apps and doesn’t need a mans phone to run them. So, help a sister out and get the blackberry app going!  My bladder and myself will thank you. 
(An update on has stated that they are currently working on an app for Blackberry to be completed in the near future.. YiPEE!)

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is good thing there's no Run Pee app for my lectures! This case was a lot of fun for me to read and you fulfilled all of the deliverables of the assignment and made it an enjoyable. Gotta run now.
    Grade - 5/5
